OpenTopography Tool Registry

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The OpenTopography Tool Registry provides a community populated clearinghouse of software, utilities, and tools oriented towards high-resolution topography data (e.g. collected with lidar technology) handling, processing, and analysis. Tools registered below range from source code to full-featured software applications. We welcome contributions to the registry via the Contribute a Tool page.

Appearance of a tool in the OpenTopography Tool Registry does not imply endorsement, recommendation, or support, by the NSF OpenTopography Facility and is meant simply as a service to our users. OpenTopography does not guarantee the completeness or accessibility of specific content and links contributed by users. If you have been directly involved with the development of a registered tool and are not the original contributor of the tool to the registry, please email to supply updates or modifications to its entry.
Tool Name Date   Tool Type Rating
1   CHaMP Topo Processing Toolbar 4 Sep 2014 DEM generation
Keywords: total station surveys, topographic
License: GNU General Public License

Description: The CHaMP Topo Processing Toolbar exists to take raw data from CHaMP ground-based topographic surveys and run these through steps of 1) survey data evaluation, 2) generating topographic surfaces, 3) DEM derived products and metrics (including, detrending, derivation of cross sections, profiles, thalwegs, bankfull, etc.), 4) QA/QC. Although the overall workflow of the tool is focused on CHaMP topographic data, many of the individual commands and steps will be more generically useful to some.

2   uniDEM 29 May 2019 Visualization, Point Cloud Analysis, DEM generation, DEM Analysis, Data Management / Handling
Keywords: DEM editing, automated workflows, Point Cloud Classification and DEM generation, DTM creation, QC
License: Commercial License

Description: uniDEM specializes in post-processing DEMs of all resolutions. This release includes the capability to automate workflows based on graphical programming (scripting), the automated “Bare Ground Classification” tool and the “LiDAR Point Cloud Classification” tool. uniDEM is an efficient but comprehensive solution for standardized large-area DEM creation as well as for generating customer tailored DEMs over small areas. Creates DEMs from LIDAR (las, laz, e57) and completes a DSM or DTM in minutes.