This resource provides bulk downloads of point cloud data from datasets hosted by OpenTopography. It is designed for advanced users seeking to download large amounts of data quickly and who have the bandwidth, expertise, and software necessary to manage the gigabytes of data available. We expect that users accessing bulk data have the ability to automate downloads using AWS Command Line Interface or other compatible GUI clients.
- Bulk Download using AWS Command Line Interface [AWS CLI version 2 installation instructions]
List all files example:
aws s3 ls s3://raster/NC21_Scheip/ --recursive --endpoint-url --no-sign-request
Download files example:
aws s3 cp s3://raster/NC21_Scheip/ . --recursive --endpoint-url --no-sign-request
- Bulk Download using CyberDuck
Once Cyberduck is installed, use S3 (HTTPS) connection protocol with the following information:
Port: 443
Access Key ID: raster
Secret Access Key: raster-1B7Kvi
Path: /raster/NC21_Scheip
By accessing data via OpenTopography you agree to acknowledge OpenTopography and the dataset source as specified in the dataset metadata and on
OpenTopography's data acknowledgement page in publications, presentations, and other materials produced using these data.
contact us if you have questions.