Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana, USA 2013

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University of Texas Jackson School of Geosciences logo Airborne lidar data of Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana, USA, a delta prograding into Atchafalaya Bay, Gulf of Mexico. Rasters were produced from the 2013 Airborne lidar data wherein trees and vegetation were removed. The data were then rasterized and saved to geotiff using the software package CloudCompare.

Note: The point cloud data were not initially classified for vegetation removal. As such, the investigators removed vegetation to create the raster datasets. The removal process will not match the removal from the classification performed on the data later. The later classification is uploaded to OpenTopography. To get the same rasters as the ones available on OpenTopography, start with the complete unclassified point cloud and follow the methods described in the full metadata file.
1a. Select area of data to download or process  
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