Eel River Critical Zone Observatory July 2014 Lidar Survey

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OT Collection ID: OT.122016.26910.1
OT Collection Name: Eel River Critical Zone Observatory July 2014 Lidar Survey
Short Name: CA14_Dietrich_A, CA14_Dietrich_B, CA14_Dietrich_G
Collection Platform: Airborne Lidar
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Point Cloud (1064 nm, Angelo)Bulk DownloadopentopoID: OTLAS.122016.26910.2
Point Cloud (532 nm/Eel River)Bulk DownloadopentopoID: OTLAS.122016.26910.1b
Point Cloud (1064nm/Eel River)Bulk DownloadopentopoID: OTLAS.122016.26910.1
Raster (Angelo)Bulk DownloadopentopoID: OTSDEM.122016.26910.2
Raster (Eel River)Bulk DownloadopentopoID: OTSDEM.122016.26910.1
Collection Overview: NCALM logo The requested survey areas consisted of a 1 km wide corridor, running for approximately 115 km along the Eel river and a 57.1 square km polygon location 145 km west of Chico, CA.

This survey was performed with 3 airborne remote sensing mapping systems. Two of these systems are LiDAR systems: 1) Optech Gemini Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper (ALTM) (serial # 06SEN195) which is an infrared laser mapping sensor and 2) Optech Aquarius ALTM (serial # 11SEN279) which is a hybrid laser mapping system as it collects simultaneous land and shallow water-depth measurements. It operates in the green spectrum, thus enabling it to penetrate water. These two LiDAR mapping systems along with an Optech 12-bit full waveform digitizer were mounted consecutively in a twin-engine Piper PA-31-350 Navajo Chieftain (Tail Number N154WW).

The third airborne sensor was for Hyperspectral imaging. This portion of the survey was performed with a CASI-1500 - a push broom type hyperspectral imaging sensor sold by ITRES. It is mounted on a vibration isolated mount together with the Gemini LIDAR sensor. Hyperspectral data are available via this link.

Publications associated with this dataset can be found at NCALM's Data Tracking Center

Dataset Acknowledgement: Lidar data acquisition and processing completed by the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM). NCALM funding provided by NSF's Division of Earth Sciences, Instrumentation and Facilities Program. EAR-1043051.

Dataset Citation: Dietrich, G. (2014): Eel River Critical Zone Observatory July 2014 Lidar Survey. National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM). Distributed by OpenTopography. Accessed: 2025-02-18       Copied to Clipboard

Use License: CC BY 4.0

Dataset Keywords: czo, california, eel river, critical zone observatory, lidar

Survey Date: 07/19/2014 - 07/27/2014

Publication Date: 05/12/2017
Total number of points:
CA14_Dietrich_A:   822,046,581 pts
CA14_Dietrich_B:   3,750,522,173 pts
CA14_Dietrich_G:   1,155,295,823 pts

Area: 57.31 km2

Point Density:
CA14_Dietrich_A:   14.34 pts/m2
CA14_Dietrich_B:   8.91 pts/m2
CA14_Dietrich_G:   2.16 pts/m2

Class 1 - Unclassified737,590,5012,827,528,066868,402,469
Class 2 - Ground84,449,981835,467,929284,631,884
Class 3 - Low Vegetation022,8080
Class 7 - Low Point (low noise)6,09912,261,470
Class 8 - Model Key/Reserved018,8260
Class 14 - Wire - Conductor056,621,9660
Class 15 - Transmission Tower030,862,5770

Raster Resolution: 1 meter

Coordinate System:
Horizontal: NAD83 (2011) / UTM Zone 10N Meters [EPSG: 26910]
Vertical: GEOID 12A

Units: meter

Survey Report: Reports

LAS Validation Data Report:
Tile index in shapefile format:

Dataset Boundary in GeoJSON format:
Point Cloud: CA14_Dietrich_A.geojson
Point Cloud: CA14_Dietrich_B.geojson
Point Cloud: CA14_Dietrich_G.geojson
Raster: CA14_Dietrich_A.geojson
Raster: CA14_Dietrich_G.geojson

Dataset Extent (Bounding Box): North: 40.6798046887058°     South: 39.6668625817367°     East: -123.55416571556°     West: -124.324746150828°
CA14_Dietrich_A       [Point Cloud] CA14_Dietrich_B       CA14_Dietrich_G