High Resolution Topography along the Lost River Valley, Idaho 2019

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The goal of this project was to systematically measure fault vertical separation to produce the most comprehensive throw dataset along the Lost River Fault (which was activated during the 1983 Borah Peak earthquake), as well as in prehistoric earthquakes. A database was created to better understand coseismic faulting processes, refine scaling laws, and further develop global probabilistic hazard calculations. (Bello et al., in prep.)

Over 10,000 photographs were acquired using a DJI Phantom 4 Pro and a Phantom 4 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) that flew at ~50-110 meters above ground. In total, ~20 km along the strike of the Lost River Fault was measured at 13 different areas with an average width (fault trace normal) of ~417 m.

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