Photogrammetric model of the Tecolote Volcano, Sonora, Mexico

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ASU School of Earth and Space Exploration logoOSU logo Topographic model of the Tecolote Volcano edifice and portions of adjacent lava flows (Pinacate Volcanic Field, Sonora, Mexico) was produced from 2,024 sUAS derived aerial photographs using the structure from motion method. Model shows numerous volcanic features including the main breached edifice, rafted edifice material on lava flow, several well preserved conical vents, and many bombs in the proximal setting. In addition, numerous fractures are evident cutting the main edifice without much tephra cover, indicating their late stage development. Work in progress by Zawacki, et al. is reconstructing the last eruption from Tecolote and suggests an eruption age of 20-40ka. Data were collected by a team from ASU and Oklahoma State University composed of: Scott, C.P., Scott, T., Lao-Davila, D.A., Clarke, A.B., Arrowsmith, J.R., and Lynch, D.
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