Topographic Data Set: Klamath River, California 2018 (State Plane)

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Yurok Tribe and Collaborators

This 2018 Klamath River data set was a multi-agency collaboration to collect pre-dam removal topography and imagery across the rivers 260 mile corridor. Airborne topo-bathymetric LiDAR, boat based multi-beam sonar, and aerial imagery was collected from the mouth at estuary to the head waters near Klamath Lake in Oregon. This comprehensive baseline data set will help inform the scientific and restoration community to more thoroughly understand the effects of dam removal, quantitatively measure sediment transport evolution, and to help monitor the biological and physical response of a new free flowing Klamath River.

  • For direct download of ancillary raster products for the Klamath River click here
  • For direct download of the orthomosaic for the entire Klamath River click here
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