Copernicus GLO-30 Digital Elevation Model

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The Copernicus DEM is a Digital Surface Model (DSM) which represents the surface of the Earth including buildings, infrastructure and vegetation. This DSM is derived from an edited DSM named WorldDEM, where flattening of water bodies and consistent flow of rivers has been included. In addition, editing of shore- and coastlines, special features such as airports, and implausible terrain structures has also been applied.

The WorldDEM product is based on the radar satellite data acquired during the TanDEM-X Mission, which is funded by a Public Private Partnership between the German State, represented by the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and Airbus Defence and Space. OpenTopography is providing access to the global GLO-30 Defence Gridded Elevation Data (DGED) 2023_1 version of the data hosted by ESA via the https PRISM service. Details on the Copernicus DSM can be found on this ESA site.

Important Notes:
  • Previous to July 23rd 2024, OpenTopography was providing access to the Copernicus data through the public AWS S3 bucket established by Sinergise. As of July 23rd 2024, Opentopography is providing the DGED 2023_1 version of GLO-30 as downloaded directly from ESA (direct download instructions can be found here).
  • The original gridded data from ESA is in geographic coordinates where the longitudinal cell spacing increases as a function of latitude for regions north of 50N and south of 50S. For more details see the Grid Spacing section of the Copernicus DEM handbook. In order to keep the pixel dimensions uniform, OpenTopography resamples data north of 50 degrees latitude and south of -50 degrees latitude in order to output a consistent 1 Arc-second product for data accessed through the web-interface or API. Users who need data north of 50N or south of 50S, and prefer to use the original, longitude-varying grid spacing can download cloud optimized geotiff (COG) versions of the tiles from our bulk download interface, or download the original data directly from ESA.
  • The GLO-30 dataset is available on a free basis for the general public under the terms and conditions of the Copernicus license found here.
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