2014 USFS Tahoe National Forest Lidar

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United States Forest Service Logo NCALM logo High Density LiDAR was flown for the majority of the Tahoe National Forest over two seasons (early snow fall in 2013 required a seasonal pause in the acquisition) to help inform a variety of metrics for USFS assessments including vegetation, fuels, hydrology, and geology.

This dataset includes data collected in the 2014 season. For 2013 data, click here.
Note: One flight swath was missed during the 2013 collection campaign, resulting in a lower point density in that area. The swath was flown in 2014, but is included in neither this nor the 2013 data provided through OpenTopography's services. You may still download this point cloud file in the bulk download section here.

Publications associated with this dataset can be found at NCALM's Data Tracking Center

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