St. Elis Mountains and Gulf of Alaska

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PI: Terry Pavlis, University of New Orleans. The survey area consists of two polygons along the Gulf of Alaska. The western polygon was partially flown on September 2, 2005 (2 flights) and completed on September 8, 2005 (2 flights). This area is located approximately 56 miles southeast of Cordova, Alaska. The eastern polygon over the Sullivan Anticline is located about 140 miles southeast of Cordova, AK. The Sullivan Anticline was surveyed with 5 flights over a period of 8 days from September 3, 2005 through September 10, 2005. Low clouds and a substantial amount of rain precluded the completion of this polygon, but all lines except four were flown.

Please note that the Sullivan polygon (eastern) ONLY contains ground points.

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