2020 SEWRPC Lidar: Milwaukee County, WI

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This Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC) high density lidar project encompassed the entirety of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, which covers approximately 250 square miles and includes a 333 foot buffer around the county boundary. The airborne lidar data was acquired at an aggregate nominal point density (ANPD) of 30 points per square meter. Project specifications are based on SEWRPC requirements. The data was developed and delivered in State Plane Coordinates, Wisconsin South zone, with a horizontal datum of NAD83(2011) and vertical datum of NAVD88 - Geoid12B, with horizontal and vertical units in US Survey Feet. LiDAR data was acquired using a Riegl VQ 1560i sensor, serial number 4040, from April 2, 2020 to April 3, 2020 in three total lifts. Lidar acquisition occurred with leaves absent from deciduous trees, when no snow was present on the ground and with rivers at or below normal levels. The lidar data was calibrated, processed, and delivered in 2020. The data deliverables include classified point cloud, breaklines, and a digital elevation model. The lidar data is not to be used for purposes other than those outlined by SEWRPC for its partners and stakeholders on this project. This metadata record supports the data entry in the NOAA Digital Coast Data Access Viewer (DAV). The NOAA Office for Coastal Management (OCM) received las point data files from the Milwaukee County Land Information Office. The data were processed to the NOAA Digital Coast Data Access Viewer (DAV) to make the data available for bulk and custom downloads. In addition to these lidar point data, the bare earth Digital Elevation Models (DEM) created from the lidar point data are also available. These data are available for custom download at the link provided in the URL section of this metadata record. This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.
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