No metadata record was provided with the data. This record is populated with information from the GeoTerra, Inc. technical report downloaded from the Washington Dept. of Natural Resources Washington Lidar Portal.
GeoTerra, Inc. was selected by Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to provide LiDAR remote sensing data including LAS files of the classified LiDAR points and derivative products, for approximately 117.9 square mile area per the boundary provided. Airborne LiDAR mapping technology provides 3D information for the surface of the Earth which includes ground information, vegetation characteristics and man-made features. LiDAR for this project was acquired on January 27th and January 28th 2017.
In addition to these lidar point data, the bare earth Digital Elevation Models (DEM) created from the lidar point data are also available. These data are available for custom download at the link provided in the URL section of this metadata record.
This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.