Product: Calibrated LiDAR version 1.4 .las tiles, classified for subsequent derivatives.
Geographic Extent: New York, Bronx, Kings, Queens, and Richmond Counties in New York plus an additional 100 m buffer.
Dataset Description: In May 2017, Quantum Spatial (QSI) was contracted by Applied Geographics (AppGeo) to collect topographic and topobathymetric Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data for the City of New York (NYC). QSI collected and processed traditional (near infrared wavelength, Leica ALS80 sensor) LiDAR over the topographic AOI, and spliced together NIR and bathymetric LiDAR (green wavelength, Riegl VQ-880-G sensor) for the topobathymetric AOI. LiDAR point data are delivered in 2,500 X 2,500 ft tiles.
Ground Conditions: Topographic LiDAR was collected in May 2017 with approximately 50% leaf-off conditions. Bathymetric data was collected in July 2017 during low tide time windows. Ground control data were used to geospatially correct the LiDAR point cloud and used to perform quality assurance checks on the final products. In addition, Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) from the New York State Spatial Reference Network (NYSNet) were used to geospatially correct the aircraft positional coordinate data and as base stations for GSP collection. All ground survey work to support the topobathymetric LiDAR acquisition was conducted during the NIR LiDAR collection window. Land cover class check points were also collected throughout the study area to evaluate vertical accuracy.
This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.