Ayres Associates provided Iron County, Wisconsin, with lidar based topographic mapping services in the spring of 2015 as part of WROC. The LiDAR data was collected on 2015/04/15 to 2015/04/17 using an Optech Orion H300 sensor mounted in a fixed-wing aircraft. LiDAR data was collected to support the generation of 2-foot contours to meet FEMA vertical accuracy standards. The LiDAR data was delivered according to a 5,000 foot x 5,000 foot tile schematic. The LiDAR data was calibrated using information collected at the time of flight from GPS base stations on the ground and airborne GPS/IMU in the aircraft. The calibrated LiDAR data was processed to produce a classified point cloud, bare earth DTM, DEM, DSM, contours, breaklines, and intensity images.
NOAA Office for Coastal Management retrieved the classified lidar files from the WisconsinView portal and processed the data to the Digital Coast. The bare-earth DEM files are also available on the Digital Coast, and are linked to below in the Related Items section.
This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.