No metadata record for this data set was provided to the NOAA Office for Coastal Management (OCM). This record was created with information from the data report. A link to the data report is provided in the URL section of this metadata record.
Watershed Sciences, Inc. (WSI) collected Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data on October 27th, 28th and November 1st, 2011 for the United States Forest Service and Environmental Protection Agency. The data are in the Blue River Watershed and Big Springs Sno-Park in Linn and Lane Counties, OR. Per agreement the two Blue River Watershed areas were combined for processing and flight efficiency. The requested areas (30,817 acres) were expanded to include a 100m buffer to ensure complete coverage and adequate point densities around survey area boundaries. The total acreage in this delivery of LiDAR data is 32,275 acres.
In addition to these lidar point data, the bare earth Digital Elevation Models (DEM) created from the lidar point data are also available. These data are available for custom download at the link provided in the URL section of this metadata record.
This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.