2016 NOAA NGS Topobathy Lidar: Marco Island (FL)

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These data were collected for the Government of Guam Department of Public Works and the Government of Guam Office of Homeland Security from February 18 through May 20, 2007. The data contained in these files contain topographic data collected by the CHARTS system. The data points representing bare earth have been classified as such using TerraScan. The topographic lidar was collected across the island of Guam to produce 2 foot contours and bathymetric lidar was collected to fill the areas where no data were obtained during previous survey efforts. The bathymetric lidar data were collected from the land/water interface seaward to a depth of 40 meters or laser extinction, whichever came first. This is a classified data set. Classification values are: Class 1: Unclassified Class 2: Ground Class 11: Bathymetric points Class 14: upland collected bathymetric points (green topo) The data contain both first and last return lidar data. The topographic lidar data are vertically referenced to Mean Sea Level (MSL) and the bathymetric lidar data are referenced to Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW). This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.
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