2007 SWFWMD Lidar: Hernando District

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This dataset is one component of a digital terrain model (DTM) for the Southwest Florida Water Management Districts FY2006 Digital Orthophoto (B089) and LiDAR Project (L776) encompassing approximately 462 square miles in Hernando County, Florida. This dataset is comprised of 530 LiDAR files, based on the DISTRICT 5,000' by 5,000' sheet index system in the LAS version 1.1 file format. LiDAR acquisition dates were January 11 through January 16, 2007. The raw data was collected at an average ground sample distance of 2.1 feet. Other components of the DTM include a personal geodatabase in accordance with the SWFWMD 2006 Topographic Database Design containing: obscured vegetation polygons; road overpass polygons; road breaklines; soft feature breaklines; water body polygons; coastal shorelines; hydrographic features breaklines; island polygons; and 1-foot contours. Final products include FEMA-compliant LIDAR-derived DTM data and 1-foot contours (for cartographic visualization purposes only) meeting or exceeding National Map Accuracy Standards for 2-foot contours. Original contact information: Contact Name: Mapping and GIS Contact Org: Southwest Florida Water Management District Phone: (352) 796-7211 This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.
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