These files contain topographic and bathymetric lidar data collected by the Compact Hydrographic Airborne Rapid Total Survey (CHARTS)
system along the Lake Huron coast of Michigan in Huron, Sanilac, and St. Clair Counties during August 12-17, 2008. CHARTS integrates topographic
and bathymetric lidar sensors, a digital camera, and a hyperspectral scanner on a single remote sensing platform for use in coastal mapping and
charting activities. Data coverage generally extends along the coastline from the waterline inland 500 meters (topography) and offshore 1,000
meters or to laser extinction (bathymetry). The topographic lidar sensor has a pulse repetition rate of 9 kHz at 1064 nm (near-infrared
wavelength). The bathymetric lidar sensor has a pulse repetition rate of 1 kHz at 532 nm (green wavelength). Native lidar data is not generally
in a format accessible to most Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Specialized in-house and commercial software packages are used to process
the native lidar data into 3-dimensional positions that can be imported into GIS software for visualization and further analysis. Horizontal
positions, provided in decimal degrees of latitude and longitude, are referenced to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83). Vertical positions
are referenced to the NAD83 ellipsoid and provided in meters. The National Geodetic Survey's (NGS) GEOID03 model is used to transform
the vertical positions from ellipsoid to orthometric heights referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). Upon receipt at
the NOAA Office for Coastal Management, the data were converted to las format and to ellipsoid heights using GEOID03 for data storage and Digital Coast
provisioning purposes. Additionally, the bathymetric lidar data points were classified according to the ASPRS LAS 1.2 classification scheme as
11 (bathymetry) and the topographic last return lidar data points were classified as 1 (unclassified).
Original contact information:
Contact Org: JALBTCX
Title: Data Production Manager
Phone: 228-252-1111
This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.