LIDAR-derived binary (.las) files containing points classified as bare-earth and canopy (first return) were produced for the 2007/2008 Northwest Florida Water Management District - 5 Counties (Calhoun, Holmes, Washington, Jackson and Liberty), Florida lidar mapping project. The files were provided in a scheme of FDEM-derived 5,000 x 5,000 foot (1500 x 1500 meter) tiles. When initially processed, horizontal mapping units were in UTM meters, vertical mapping units are in U.S. survey feet. The total mapping area covers approximately 2102 square miles.
Original contact information:
Contact Name: Mr John Crowe
Contact Org: Northwest Florida Water Management District
Title: Associate Hydrologist, Division of Resource Management
Phone: 850-539-5999
Email: ron.bartel@nwfwmd.state.fl.us
This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.