2008 NWFWMD Lidar: Walton County (Eglin AFB)

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In the summer of 2008, the Northwest Florida Water Management District collected lidar data over a portion of Walton County, FL (Eglin Air force Base) to support various projects such as floodplain and hazards mapping, wetlands mitigation and stormwater management. The data collection occured in a portion of the county for which there is no prior collected lidar data. Used in conjunction with previously collected data in Walton County (FDEM Lidar collected in 2006), these data support the creation of a county-wide, high resolution, lidar derived digital elevation model(DEM). Original contact information: Contact Name: John B. Crowe Contact Org: Northwest Florida Water Management District Title: Associate Hydrologist Phone: (850) 539-5999 Email: John.Crowe@nwfwmd.state.fl.us This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.
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