This lidar point data set was collected during low tide conditions along an approximately 500-700 meter wide strip of the Southern California
coastline within an area extending south from Long Beach to the US/Mexico border. Data were collected in Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego
counties from south of the Downtown Long Beach Marina in Long Beach, California to Leucadia on March 8, 2009 between 19:56 and 22:59 UTC.
Data were collected in Orange and San Diego counties from south of Dana Point to north of La Jolla on March 9, 2009 between 21:27 and 23:48 UTC.
Data were collected in San Diego County from south of Del Mar to south of the United States-Mexico border near Playas de Tijuana, Baja California,
Mexico on March 10 between 21:32 and 22:32 UTC. Data set features include water, beach, cliffs, and top of cliffs. The all points data set contains
the complete point cloud of first and last return elevation and laser intensity measurements recorded during the spring 2009 airborne lidar survey
conducted semi-annually by the University of Texas at Austin for the Southern California Beach Processes Study.
The data set was generated by the processing of laser range, scan angle, and aircraft attitude data collected using an Optech Inc. Airborne
Laser Terrain Mapper (ALTM) 1225 system and geodetic quality Global Positioning System (GPS) airborne and ground-based receivers. Instrument
settings and parameters during survey were:
Nominal on-ground beam diameter: 25 cm
Pulse rate: 25 kHz
Maximum number of returns recorded: 2
Minimum separation between detected returns from a single pulse: 4.3 m
Laser wavelength: 1064 nm
Frequency of GPS sampling: 1 Hz
Frequency of IMU sampling: 50 Hz; Scan angle: +/- 20 degrees
Nominal height of instrument above ground: 1100 m
Nominal single-swath pulse density: 2 m
Nominal aggregate pulse density: 0.75
Nature of vertical control: Kinematic and static GPS points
Original contact information:
Contact Name: Roberto Gutierrez
Contact Org: University of Texas at Austin Center for Space Research
Title: Research Associate in Geodesy and Geophysics
Phone: 512.471.5573
This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.