2007 USACE NCMP Topobathy Lidar: Hawaiian Islands

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The data contained in these files contain topographic data collected by the CHARTS system along the northern coast of Hawaii (Big Island), Kauai, Maui, Molokai, and Oahu in the state of Hawaii. The data were collected on the following dates: Hawaii (Big Island): 20070123-20070210 Kauai: 20070112-20070210 Maui: 20070111-20070127 Molokai: 20070111-20070127 Oahu: 20070112-20070210 The data points representing bare earth have been classified as such using TerraScan with results provided in the classified las files. Classification value "1" means "Unclassified" and a value "2" means "Ground." The data were collected and processed in geographic coordinates and ellipsoid heights. The positions are relative to NAD83 HARN in decimal degrees of longitude and latitude. The heights were converted from ellipsoid to geoid (NAVD88) heights using the Geoid03 model with the results in meters. These heights were then adjusted to Mean Sea Level.
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