2015 MDEQ Lidar: MS Coastal QL2

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This task is issued under USGS Contract No. G10PC00057, Task Order No. G15PD00091. This task order requires lidar data to be acquired over approximately 5981 square miles. The lidar was collected and processed to meet a maximum Nominal Post Spacing (NPS) of 0.7 meter. The NPS assessment is made against single swath, first return data located within the geometrically usable center portion (typically ~90%) of each swath. The data was collected using a Leica ALS70 500 kHz Multiple Pulses in Air (MPiA) lidar sensor and a Chiroptera II sensor. The ALS70 sensor collects up to four returns per pulse, as well as intensity data, for the first three returns. If a fourth return was captured, the system does not record an associated intensity value. The Chiroptera II sensor provides 35 kHz bathymetric data and up to 500 kHz topographic data. The system acquires bathymetric lidar, topographic lidar and 4-band 80 MP digital camera imagery simultaneously. For this project, the flight parameters were used to provide 100% coverage. Two multiple pulse in air zones were used. The Coastal delivery was processed and projected in Mississippi State Plane East Zone, NAD83(2011). The vertical datum used for the task order was referenced to NAVD88, GEOID12A/12B in units of US Survey Feet. These data were converted to geographic coordinates with elevation in meters above the ellipsoid for ingest into the NOAA Digital Coast. Further projection and datum processing may have occurred (see process descriptions). This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.
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