2007 USGS Lidar: Canyon Fire (CA)

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This Southern California Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data is to provide high accuracy LIDAR data. These datasets will be the initial acquisition to support FEMA and other Federal Response to the Southern California Wild Fires. LIDAR data is remotely sensed high-resolution elevation data collected by an airborne collection platform. By positioning laser range finding with the use of 1 second GPS with 100hz inertial measurement unit corrections; Terrapoint's LIDAR instruments are able to make highly detailed geospatial elevation products of the ground, man-made structures and vegetation. The LiDAR flightlines for this project were planned for a 55% acquisition overlap. The nominal resolution of this project without overlap is 0.57m. Four returns were recorded for each pulse in addition to an intensity value. GPS Week Time, Intensity, Flightline and number attributes were recorded for each LiDAR point. Positional values were recorded to the centimeter level, while GPS is recorded to a 10th of a millisecond. Scan angle was recorded to the nearest angle, Intensity is recorded as an 8 Bit integer value and echo is recorded as an integer valuefrom 1 to 4. Data is provided as random points, in LAS v1.2 format, classified according to the following ASPRS Class Codes: Class 1 Unclassified Class 2 Ground Class 7 Noise Class 9 Water Please note all LiDAR points outside of the task order area was classified as Unclassified (Class 1). This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.

Open Access: Unrestricted access and processing of this dataset has been temporarily enabled to support response to the Los Angeles County, CA wild fires
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