2008 FDEM Lidar: Middle Suwannee River (FL)

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LiDAR Survey for the Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD), Florida. The LiDAR aerial acquisition was conducted in January of 2008, and the breaklines and contours were subsequently generated by the Program and Data Solutions (PDS) team. The PDS team is under contract 07-HS-34-14-00-22-469 with the Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) and offered LiDAR and derived products to add-on clients, including the SRWMD, at the same volume-discount unit rates per tile as negotiated for the FDEM contract and utilizing the same Baseline Specifications from FDEM. The LiDAR dataset for the SRWMD was acquired by Terrapoint USA in January of 2008 and processed to a bare-earth digital terrain model (DTM); it was produced to FDEM Baseline Specifications. Detailed breaklines and contours were produced by the PDS team for the 65-tile area to be mapped. Each tile covers an area of 5000 ft by 5000 ft. The map at Appendix A displays the 65 tiles of the SRWMD for which LiDAR DTMs and LiDAR-derived breaklines and contours were produced by the PDS team. The FDEM Baseline Specifications require a maximum LiDAR post spacing of 4 feet, i.e., an average point density of less than 1 point per square meter. However, the PDS team required a much higher point density of its subcontractors in order to increase the probability of penetrating dense foliage; with nominal post spacing of 0.7 meters per flight line and 50% sidelap between flight lines, the average point density is 4 points per square meter. With higher point density there is a greater probability of penetrating dense vegetation and minimizing areas defined as "low confidence areas." This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.
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