2006 Santa Clara Water District Lidar: Santa Clara County (CA)

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LAS format files, raw LiDAR data in its native format, classified bare-earth LiDAR DEM and photogrammetrically derived breaklines generated from LiDAR Intensity stereo-pairs. Breakline, Top of Bank, and contour files in ESRI personal geodatabase format, Microstation V8 .dgn format, and AutoCAD 2004 formats for the San Jose Phase 3 project of Santa Clara County, Ca. This project arrived with only unclassified data. NOAAs Office for Coastal Management performed an automated classification using lasground. Although class 1 and class 2 are available, there was no QA/QC on the points after lasground was performed. Points below -40 meters NAD83 ellipsoid height were further classified as noise (class 7). This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.
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