SWFWMD regularly uses digital topographic information to support regulatory, land management and acquisition, planning, engineering and habitat restoration projects. LiDAR data will support hydrologic modeling activities associated with the FederalEmergency Management Agency (FEMA), and in the creation of Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps(DFIRM). The LiDAR data will support the creation of Federal Emergency Management AgencyFlood Insurance Rate Maps (FEMA FIRM) and an integrated ground and surface water model for Pasco County. The data were classified into 7 classifications; (1) unclassified, (2) ground, (6) buildings, (9) water, (11) wetlands, (23) bridges, (30) ground within 10 ft of a breakline, and (31) overlap. Cooner & Associates performed the vertical accuracy and horizontal accuracy QA/QC analysis.
This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.