2011 - 2013 IOT Lidar: Lake Michigan Watershed Counties

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Indiana's Statewide LiDAR data is produced at 1.5-meter average post spacing for all 92 Indiana Counties covering more than 36,420 square miles. New LiDAR data was captured except where previously captured LiDAR data exists, or the participating County bought-up to a higher resolution of 1.0-meter average post spacing LiDAR data. Existing LiDAR data exists for: Porter, Steuben, Noble, De Kalb, Allen, Madison, Delaware, Hendricks, Marion, Hancock, Morgan, Johnson, Shelby, Monroe, and portions of Vermillion, Parke, Vigo, Clay, Sullivan, Knox, Gibson, and Posey. These existing LiDAR datasets were seamlessly integrated into this new statewide dataset. From this seamless LiDAR product a statewide 5-foot post spacing hydro-flattened DEM product was created and is also available. See the FGDC Metadata provided for more details. This statewide project is divided into three geographic areas captured over a 3-year period (2011-2013). Area 1: St. Joseph, Elkhart Area 2 (2012): LaGrange, Area 3 (2013): Lake, Porter, LaPorte Original contact information: Contact Org: Indiana Office of Information Technology Title: State of Indiana GIS Officer Phone: (317) 234-5889 This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.
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