2005 USACE Lidar: Post-Katrina Lidar (AL,MS)

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LiDAR data was acquired for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Mobile District in September-October 2005 along the coastline of Hancock, Harrison, Jackson counties in Mississippi and Mobile County in Alabama from the land water interface (shoreline) to the north Right of Way of Interstate-10. The LiDAR DEM was delivered as first return, last return, bare earth, and water delivery in LAS format. Contract Number: W91278-04-D-0001/0003 EN. Project Number: C-05-054. Contractor: R&M Consultants, Inc., Anchorage, AK. Subcontractor: Woolpert, Inc., Dayton, OH. Original contact information: Contact Org: NOAA Office for Coastal Management Phone: 843-740-1202 Email: coastal.info@noaa.gov This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.
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