The Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN) contracted with Sanborn to provide LiDAR mapping services for Accomack and Northampton counties on the eastern shore of Virginia in the March of 2010. Utilizing multi-return systems, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data in the form of 3-dimensional positions of a dense set of mass points was collected for approximately 1090 square miles. Of this 1090 sq mile area, 663 sq miles are over land. Collection and delivery of the lidar data were required to meet the USGS LiDAR Guidelines and Base Specifications, version 13 classification scheme. The data available for download from the NOAA Digital Coast are classified as follows: 1 (Unclassified), 2 (Ground), 7 (Low Point/Noise), 9 (Water), and 10 (Ground points in close proximity to breaklines). This project was a cooperative effort funded by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) - Virginia Office, the University of Virginia's Virginia Coast Long-Term Ecological Research Project (VCR/LT ER) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Users should be aware that this data was not required to be collected at low tide, therefore, there are some flightlines that were collected at low tide and adjacent flightlines that were not collected at low tide.
Original contact information:
Contact Name: John A. Scrivani
Contact Org: Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA)
Phone: 804.416.6207
Email: john.scrivani@vita.virginia.gov
This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.