In July 2012, WSI (Watershed Sciences, Inc.) was contracted by the Puget Sound LiDARConsortium (PSLC) to collect Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data on a 5-yearcycle for the Nooksack River Basin LiDAR site in the Northwest Washington. Data werecollected to aid the Tribe in assessing the topographic and geophysical properties ofthe study area to support restoration efforts.
This data delivery and report covers the entire project area, including the portion ofthe Middle Fork Nooksack River which was delayed due to snow conditions. It describesthe LiDAR data and documents data acquisition procedures, processing methods, andresults of all accuracy assessments. The Nooksack River Basin project covers 116,490acres, collected January 12, 13 and 15, March 3, April 1, 3 and 15, & June 16 and 28in 2013. This dataset contains project deliveries 1 and 2, the average first-returndensity for the LiDAR data for the Nooksack River Basin LiDAR was 9.40 points/m2calculated to 0.328 nominal point/pulse spacing.
This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.