2007 PSLC Lidar: Eastern WA & River Corridors

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Watershed Sciences, Inc. (WS) collected Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data in eastern Washington, eastern Oregon, and southern Canada in October and November, 2006 for the Puget Sound LiDAR Consortium. The survey areas cover portions of the lower Okanogan River in Washington, the Methow River in Washington, Lake Roosevelt in Washington, the Wenatchee River in Washington, and the John Day River in Oregon. The upper Okanogan River area, in Canada, was excluded from this project the data does not lie in borders of the United States. The total delivered acreage for the study areas shown above is >26,000 acres greater than the original amount, due to buffering of the original study areas and flight planning optimization. Collection dates for the project areas: ----- Lower Okanogan (WA) 20060506 ----- Methow (WA) 20061108-20061109 ----- Lake Roosevelt (WA) 20061016-20061020 & 20061029-20061101 ----- John Day River (OR) 20061005-20061007 ----- Wenatchee (WA) 20061012-20061013 & 20061025-20061028 ----- This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.
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