Watershed Sciences, Inc. (WSI) collected Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data on six days
between September 15th and November 5th, and from November 6th - 13th, 2010 for the Puget
Sound LiDAR Consortium. This report documents the data acquisition, processing methods,
accuracy assessment, and deliverables for the Rattlesnake area of interest in Benton
County, WA. The requested areas were expanded to include a 100m buffer to ensure
complete coverage and adequate point densities around survey area boundaries.
The total acreage of the Rattlesnake AOI is 184,359 acres.
The average first-return density of the delivered dataset is 8.3 points per square meter
for the Rattlesnake study area. The initial datasets, acquired to be =8 points per square
meter, were filtered as described previously to remove spurious or inaccurate points.
Additionally, some types of surfaces (i.e., dense vegetation, breaks in terrain, water,
steep slopes) may return fewer pulses (delivered density) than the laser originally
emitted (native density).
This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.