Watershed Sciences, Inc. (WSI) collected Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data for the Jefferson/Clallam study area on March 23rd-25th, April 13th-15th,
and May 7th, 2012 for the Puget Sound LiDAR Consortium in partnership with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The requested area of 32,034
acres for the Jefferson/ Clallam AOI was expanded to include a 100m buffer to ensure complete coverage and adequate point densities around survey area
boundaries. The total acreage of this delivery is 42,038 buffered acres of LiDAR data.
The LiDAR survey utilized a Leica ALS50 Phase II in a Cessna Caravan 208B and a Leica ALS60 sensor in a Partenavia. See "Process Report" for detailed
information about airborne/ground survey methods.
This data set has a point spacing of 11.58 points per square meter.
This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.