TerraPoint surveyed and created this data for the Puget Sound LiDAR Consortium under contract. The area surveyed is approximately 100 square miles and covers part of Lewis County, WA.
All data was collected during ideal conditions (leaf-off).
The LAS files were derived from all returns ASCII files contain the X,Y,Z values of all the LiDAR returns collected during the survey mission. The GPS time, classification, scan angle, intensity and return numbers of each point
were preserved in the conversion from ASCII to LAS. The LAS files are classified into the following ASPRS classes: (1) Unclassified (2) Bare Earth. Ground and water points are included in Class 2 (Bare Earth). Futher details are
available in the Process Steps below. The NOAA Office for Coastal Management noticed that some intensity values are 0, so be aware before using the intensity information.
This dataset was flown in 2003 with a 50% overlap between flight lines. Due to the overlap the nominal point spacing of the dataset is 1.0 meter.
This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.