2012 USACE Post-Sandy Lidar: Coastal CT

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This data has been acquired and developed by the U.S. Corps of Engineers ST. Louis District to collect and deliver topographic elevation point data derived from multiple return light detection and ranging (LiDAR) measurements for the 116 sq. mile project area encompassing the entire coastal region of the State of Connecticut. Fugro EarthData, Inc. acquired 46 flight lines in 4 lifts from November 14, 2012 to December 16, 2012. LiDAR data collection was performed with a Cessna 310 twin engine aircraft, utilizing a Leica ALS60 MPiA sensor; collecting multiple return x, y, and z as well as intensity data. The classified LiDAR point cloud data are delivered in LAS 1.2 format: 1 unclassified, 2 ground, 7 low points, 8 model keypoints, 9 water, and 10 ignored points. Specialized in-house and commercial software processes the native LiDAR data into 3-dimensional positions that can be imported into GIS software for visualization and further analysis. Original contact information: Contact Org: USACE, St. Louis District Phone: 314-331-8389 Email: ted.e.stanton@usace.army.mil This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.
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