2008 Lidar: St. Johns County, FL

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Airborne terrestrial LiDAR was collected for St. Johns County, FL. System Parameters/Flight Plan. The LiDAR system acquisition parameters were developed based on a maximum average ground sample distance of 2.1 feet. A Leica ALS50 LiDAR sensor was used for acquisition. Acquisition specifications for the sensor follows: Field of View (full angle) - 24 degrees, Nominal flight altitude (AGL) - 3000 feet, Airspeed - 130 mph (113 knots), Laser pulse rate - 100,000 Hz, Nominal swath width (on ground) - 1275 feet, Maximum cross track point spacing - 2.07 feet, Maximum along track point spacing - 4.30 feet, Average point spacing - 1.67 feet, Flight line spacing - 970.47 feet, Side overlap - 23.91 percent. LiDAR System Calibration. Prior to the LiDAR acquisition, the system underwent a calibration to verify the operational accuracy and misalignment angles. Boresight calibrations were performed for the LiDAR system at the beginning and end of each flight mission. LiDAR Data Acquisition. LiDAR data acquisition only occurred when the sky was sufficiently clear of clouds, smoke, and atmospheric haze. The LiDAR data was processed immediately after the acquisition to verify the coverage had no voids. GPS/Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Post Processing. The GPS and IMU data was post processed using differential and kalman filter algorithms to derive a best estimate of trajectory. The quality of the solution was verified to be consistent with the accuracy requirements of the project. LiDAR Processing and Classification. The LiDAR data was post processed and verified to be consistent with the project requirements in terms of post spacing and absence of artifacts. The point cloud underwent classification to determine bare-earth points (class 2), noise points (class 7), water returns (class 9), and unclassified data (class 1). Class 12 contains LiDAR points removed from the overlap region between adjacent flight lines. Original contact information: Contact Org: St. Johns County GIS Division Phone: 904-209-0778 Email: gis@sjcfl.us This data set is an LAZ (compressed LAS) format file containing LIDAR point cloud data.
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