Data Access Acknowledgement
This material is based on [data, processing] services provided by the OpenTopography Facility with support from the National Science Foundation under NSF Award Numbers 2410799, 2410800 and 2410801
Dataset Acknowledgement
Please cite this data release as: Anderson, S.P., Qinghua, G., and Parrish, E.G., 2012, Snow-on and snow-off Lidar point cloud data and digital elevation models for study of topography, snow, ecosystems and environmental change at Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory, California: Southern Sierra CZO, University of California at Merced , digital media.
Please cite this data release as: Qinghua, Guo. Roger Bales, 2012, Snow-on and snow-off Lidar point cloud data and digital elevation models for study of topography, snow, ecosystems and environmental change at Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory, California: Southern Sierra CZO, University of California at Merced, digital media. And the funding sources: National Science Funding: EAR-0922307.
Please use either snow on/off or leaf on/off for all sites. For the credit, use my name, and PIs of the site (e.g. Qinghua, Roger Bales), check the CZO website for the name of PIs (there are one site which has two PIs). For leave on/off site, please use this title: Leaf-on and leaf-off Lidar point cloud data and digital elevation models for study of hydrologic, geomorphologic, and geochemical processes at XXXX (need to fill in the specific site name) Critical Zone Observatory.
Lidar data are collected by the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM -, with project director Qinghua Guo, funded by National Science Foundation (EAR-0922307).