IML Critical Zone Observatory, Sangamon River, IL Aug 2014 (532 nm)

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NCALM logo CZO logo This dataset was collected using the Optech Aquarius ALTM, a hybrid laser mapping system which collects simultaneous land and shallow water-depth measurements using a beam wavelength of 532 nm.

This dataset was collected by NCALM for PI Dr. Praveen Kumar, University of Illinois. The Sangamon River area is part of the Intensively Managed Landscapes (ILM) Critical Zone Observatory (CZO).

The requested survey area consisted of two connected rectangles enclosing approximately 198 square kilometers along with their associated watercourse corridors. The project rectangles are located 20 km west of Champaign. IL. The entire enclosed area of these 2 rectangles was surveyed with the Gemini (1064 nm, NIR instrument); the enclosed watercourse corridors illustrate where Aquarius (532 nm instrument) data was also collected.

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