Lost River Fault at Doublespring Pass Rd, Idaho 2015

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This contribution comprises georeferenced, high-resolution topography and orthomosaics of part of the Lost River fault zone (LFRZ), Idaho, USA, which ruptured in the Mw 6.9 1983 Borah Peak Earthquake. The data set covers ~6.1 km of surface rupture on the LRFZ at and near Doublespring Pass Road. Point clouds and digital surface models (DSMs) were generated from low-altitude aerial photographs using Structure-from-Motion and multi-view stereo processing.

The Lost River fault zone (LRFZ) is a range-bounding, west-dipping normal fault in the northern Basin and Range province. The Mw 6.9 1983 Borah Peak earthquake occurred on it and created surface rupture along the southern portion of the Warm Spring section and the entire Thousand Springs section of the fault (Crone et al., 1987; DuRoss et al., 2019). Doublespring Pass Road (DSP) crosses the fault near the center of the Thousand Springs section. At DSP the surface rupture is well exposed and preserved, and it is very easily accessed. To the north of DSP, the surface rupture trends into a salient of limestone and complexly bifurcates into multiple strands (‘West Spring Block’ of Crone et al., 1987). North of the salient, at a site informally named Poison Spring (PS; West Spring in Crone et al., 1987), the surface rupture becomes localized again, with most displacement concentrated onto a single strand. Paleoseismic investigations have been conducted near both DSP (Hait and Scott, 1978; Schwartz and Crone, 1985) and PS (Vincent, 1995). The target sites of the data presented here were the surface rupture at DSP and PS.

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