Niobrara River, Nebraska (532 nm)

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NCALM logo This dataset was collected using the Optech Aquarius ALTM, a hybrid laser mapping system which collects simultaneous land and shallow water-depth measurements using a beam wavelength of 532 nm.

This dataset was collected as an NCALM Seed grant for PI Jason Alexandra, University of Wyoming.

This survey was performed with 2 different LiDAR systems: 1) Optech Gemini Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper (ALTM) which is an infrared laser mapping sensor and 2) Optech Aquarius ALTM which is a hybrid laser mapping system as it collects simultaneous land and shallow water-depth measurements. It operates in the green spectrum, thus enabling it to penetrate water. These LiDAR mapping systems along with an Optech 12-bit full waveform digitizer were mounted consecutively in a twin-engine Piper PA- 31-350 Navajo Chieftain (Tail Number N154WW).

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