NCALM Project. PI: Jacob Selander, University of California, Davis. The original Seed project requested survey area of 40 km
2 was defined by two irregular polygons located along the Harper Lake Fault in the areas adjacent Gravel and Waterman Hills. Additional funding was secured to add two additional areas also located along the faults and between the original two polygons. The combined area of all the four polygons totaled 75.875 km
2. The final data collection has an area of 246 km
2 The Harper lake fault is aligned between the towns of Barstow and Ridgecrest, California. Two flights were required to collect the data. Both flights took place on Sunday June 17, 2012. It was collected on a Sunday because part of the survey area are underneath Restricted airspace controlled by the Edwards Air Force Base and access to it is preferably granted on Sundays. Also due to airspace restrictions the flying height above average ground was 900m rather than the preferred 600m. The plan consisted of 16 project lines running NW-SE along the fault center line.
Publications associated with this dataset can be found at NCALM's Data Tracking Center