USFS San Gabriel Mountain Lidar, CA 2009

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Lidar was collected over the San Gabriel mountains of California between May 30th - June 22nd 2009 for the USFS Pacific Region. Data was collected for multiple science objectives: earthquake hazards, flooding hazards, habitat mapping and fire science This dataset covers over 100,000 acres ( over 400 km2)

NOTE:This dataset is being presented as it was provided by the USFS. This original form of the dataset contains two issues that users should be aware of:

  • The pre-computed rasters do not extend to the entire extent of the lidar collection bounds. Pre-computed rasters are focused on the central portions of the study area
  • The point cloud classifications are not consistent throughout the dataset. This results in cases where a "ground-only" selection for a region (e.g. NW section of the dataset), may return "no data". In these cases it is advised to select all available classes, and do not filter by classification

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