This dataset, located within the San Bernardino Mountains, CA, was collected as an NCALM Seed grant for Jessica Lin, University of California, Los Angeles, Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences Department to support an investigation of topographic stress control on subsurface weathered zone and seismic site conditions in southern California. The requested survey area is located approximately 11 km north of San Bernardino, CA. The polygon encloses approximately 62 km
2. Note: A considerable percentage of the points in this dataset were classified as "building" (LAS class 6) although visual inspection indicates these points are mostly above-ground vegetation. For the purposes of distribution though OpenTopography, these points have been grouped with "unclassified" (LAS class 1) points to reduce point cloud classification to either "ground" or "unclassified" below.
Publications associated with this dataset can be found at NCALM's Data Tracking Center