Total Area of Tiles (m2) | 630,576 |
Sum of Area of Convex Hulls as Determined by Scan (m2) | 616,950.383 |
Total Number of Bytes on Disk | 28,589,009 |
Total Number of Points as Reported in Headers | 6,991,470 |
Total Number of Points as Determined by Scan | 6,991,470 |
Mean Point Density as Reported in Headers (points/m2) | 11.09 |
Mean Point Density as Determined by Scan (points/m2) | 11.33 |
File Breakdown by LAS versions | 1.2 (4 files) |
File Breakdown by LAS file types | LAZ (4 files) |
File Breakdown by Source IDs | 0 (4 files) |
File Breakdown by System IDs | WSI (4 files) |
File Breakdown by Generating Software IDs | Las Monkey 1.4.6 (4 files) |
File Breakdown by Point Data Record formats (Data Format ID) | 1 (4 files) |
File Breakdown by Global Encodings | [NULL] (4 files) |
Point Breakdown by Returns (return: count) | 1: 5,900,256 2: 972,674 3: 112,365 4: 6,175 5: 0 |
Point Breakdown by Classifications (class: name: points) | Class 1 - Unclassified: 5,226,172 Class 2 - Ground: 1,446,955 Class 7 - Low Point (low noise): 42 Class 11 - Road Surface: 318,301 |
File Breakdown by Coordinate Reference Systems | 4 files have Horizontal Coordinate System PROJCS["NAD83 / UTM zone 10N",GEOGCS["NAD83",DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983",SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6269"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4269"]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0],PARAMETER["central_meridian",-123],PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["false_easting",500000],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Easting",EAST],AXIS["Northing",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","26910"]] 4 files have Vertical Coordinate System VERT_CS["NAVD88 height",VERT_DATUM["North American Vertical Datum 1988",2005,AUTHORITY["EPSG","5103"]],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Gravity-related height",UP],AUTHORITY["EPSG","5703"]] |
X positions | yes |
Y positions | yes |
Z positions | yes |
Intensity | yes |
Return Number | yes |
Number of Returns | yes |
Scan Direction Flag | yes |
Edge of Flight Line | yes |
Classification | yes |
Scan Angle Rank | yes |
User Data | yes |
Point Source ID | yes |
GPS Time | yes |
RGB | no |
XYZ Positions | [663191.49, 4426238.7, 1312.9], [663945.97, 4427091.31, 1513.32] |
Intensity | 0, 242 |
Return Number | 1, 4 |
Number of Returns | 1, 4 |
Scan Direction Flag | 0, 1 |
Edge of Flight Line | 0, 0 |
Classification | 1, 11 |
Scan Angle Rank | -18.0, 15.0 |
User Data | 119, 134 |
Point Source ID | 1240, 1246 |
GPS Time | 167869.4221, 168562.733 |
RGB Colors | N/A |
File Creation Day | 59, 59 |
File Creation Year | 2013, 2013 |
# | File Name | Creation Year | Creation DoY | Is Compressed | Bytes | Software ID |
1 | 39121H1108.laz | 2013 | 59 | true | 1,333,700 | Las Monkey 1.4.6 |
2 | 39121H1109.laz | 2013 | 59 | true | 8,508,950 | Las Monkey 1.4.6 |
3 | 39121H1113.laz | 2013 | 59 | true | 3,300,212 | Las Monkey 1.4.6 |
4 | 39121H1114.laz | 2013 | 59 | true | 15,446,147 | Las Monkey 1.4.6 |
# | File Name | Point Count | minX | minY | minZ | maxX | maxY | maxZ | Area | Density |
1 | 39121H1108.laz | 322,198 | 663191.0 | 4426730.0 | 1364.0 | 663316.0 | 4426962.0 | 1448.0 | 36,652.532 | 8.79 |
2 | 39121H1109.laz | 2,114,827 | 663311.0 | 4426733.0 | 1365.0 | 663942.0 | 4427091.0 | 1513.0 | 221,966.378 | 9.53 |
3 | 39121H1113.laz | 739,409 | 663191.0 | 4426314.0 | 1350.0 | 663325.0 | 4426733.0 | 1445.0 | 61,197.548 | 12.08 |
4 | 39121H1114.laz | 3,815,036 | 663316.0 | 4426238.0 | 1312.0 | 663945.0 | 4426746.0 | 1461.0 | 297,133.926 | 12.84 |
# | File Name | Point Count | minX | minY | minZ | maxX | maxY | maxZ | Area | Density |
1 | 39121H1108.laz | 322,198 | 663191.0 | 4426730.0 | 1364.0 | 663316.0 | 4426962.0 | 1448.0 | 36,652.532 | 8.79 |
2 | 39121H1109.laz | 2,114,827 | 663311.0 | 4426733.0 | 1365.0 | 663942.0 | 4427091.0 | 1513.0 | 221,966.378 | 9.53 |
3 | 39121H1113.laz | 739,409 | 663191.0 | 4426314.0 | 1350.0 | 663325.0 | 4426733.0 | 1445.0 | 61,197.548 | 12.08 |
4 | 39121H1114.laz | 3,815,036 | 663316.0 | 4426238.0 | 1312.0 | 663945.0 | 4426746.0 | 1461.0 | 297,133.926 | 12.84 |
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