Total Area of Tiles (m2) | 17,007,279 |
Sum of Area of Convex Hulls as Determined by Scan (m2) | 17,155,937.672 |
Total Number of Bytes on Disk | 679,499,750 |
Total Number of Points as Reported in Headers | 176,615,211 |
Total Number of Points as Determined by Scan | 176,615,211 |
Mean Point Density as Reported in Headers (points/m2) | 10.38 |
Mean Point Density as Determined by Scan (points/m2) | 10.29 |
File Breakdown by LAS versions | 1.2 (20 files) |
File Breakdown by LAS file types | LAZ (20 files) |
File Breakdown by Source IDs | 0 (20 files) |
File Breakdown by System IDs | WSI (20 files) |
File Breakdown by Generating Software IDs | Las Monkey 1.4.5 (20 files) |
File Breakdown by Point Data Record formats (Data Format ID) | 1 (20 files) |
File Breakdown by Global Encodings | [NULL] (20 files) |
Point Breakdown by Returns (return: count) | 1: 159,262,564 2: 15,973,447 3: 1,338,066 4: 41,134 5: 0 |
Point Breakdown by Classifications (class: name: points) | Class 1 - Unclassified: 136,857,086 Class 2 - Ground: 37,437,619 Class 7 - Low Point (low noise): 2,670 Class 11 - Road Surface: 2,317,836 |
File Breakdown by Coordinate Reference Systems | 20 files have Horizontal Coordinate System PROJCS["NAD83 / UTM zone 10N",GEOGCS["NAD83",DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983",SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6269"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4269"]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0],PARAMETER["central_meridian",-123],PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["false_easting",500000],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Easting",EAST],AXIS["Northing",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","26910"]] 20 files have Vertical Coordinate System VERT_CS["NAVD88 height",VERT_DATUM["North American Vertical Datum 1988",2005,AUTHORITY["EPSG","5103"]],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Gravity-related height",UP],AUTHORITY["EPSG","5703"]] |
X positions | yes |
Y positions | yes |
Z positions | yes |
Intensity | yes |
Return Number | yes |
Number of Returns | yes |
Scan Direction Flag | yes |
Edge of Flight Line | yes |
Classification | yes |
Scan Angle Rank | yes |
User Data | yes |
Point Source ID | yes |
GPS Time | yes |
RGB | no |
XYZ Positions | [590354.43, 4584924.81, 1415.22], [593703.86, 4589887.32, 2314.39] |
Intensity | 0, 255 |
Return Number | 1, 4 |
Number of Returns | 1, 4 |
Scan Direction Flag | 0, 1 |
Edge of Flight Line | 0, 1 |
Classification | 1, 11 |
Scan Angle Rank | -27.0, 30.0 |
User Data | 111, 134 |
Point Source ID | 67, 88 |
GPS Time | 258524.3901, 262468.0118 |
RGB Colors | N/A |
File Creation Day | 356, 356 |
File Creation Year | 2012, 2012 |
# | File Name | Creation Year | Creation DoY | Is Compressed | Bytes | Software ID |
1 | 41121D8217.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 10,467,200 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
2 | 41121D8218.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 43,112,501 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
3 | 41121D8219.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 27,434,847 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
4 | 41121D8220.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 17,790,970 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
5 | 41121D8222.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 32,398,084 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
6 | 41121D8223.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 72,095,175 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
7 | 41121D8224.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 56,184,257 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
8 | 41121D8225.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 43,445,535 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
9 | 41121D8402.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 23,419,768 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
10 | 41121D8403.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 59,289,254 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
11 | 41121D8404.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 51,212,483 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
12 | 41121D8405.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 38,197,817 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
13 | 41121D8407.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 25,511,265 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
14 | 41121D8408.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 60,150,554 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
15 | 41121D8409.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 55,836,589 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
16 | 41121D8410.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 36,930,183 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
17 | 41121D8412.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 3,553,861 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
18 | 41121D8413.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 7,746,313 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
19 | 41121D8414.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 9,314,001 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
20 | 41121D8415.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 5,409,093 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
# | File Name | Point Count | minX | minY | minZ | maxX | maxY | maxZ | Area | Density |
1 | 41121D8217.laz | 2,906,713 | 590354.0 | 4589277.0 | 1657.0 | 590837.0 | 4589887.0 | 1851.0 | 314,226.435 | 9.25 |
2 | 41121D8218.laz | 10,156,148 | 590829.0 | 4589283.0 | 1543.0 | 591881.0 | 4589887.0 | 2314.0 | 655,325.892 | 15.50 |
3 | 41121D8219.laz | 6,700,087 | 591873.0 | 4589296.0 | 1501.0 | 592925.0 | 4589887.0 | 2211.0 | 625,151.971 | 10.72 |
4 | 41121D8220.laz | 4,545,981 | 592918.0 | 4589310.0 | 1495.0 | 593703.0 | 4589887.0 | 2181.0 | 461,586.826 | 9.85 |
5 | 41121D8222.laz | 7,957,548 | 590354.0 | 4587889.0 | 1548.0 | 590854.0 | 4589283.0 | 1852.0 | 712,012.48 | 11.18 |
6 | 41121D8223.laz | 17,543,719 | 590837.0 | 4587895.0 | 1468.0 | 591899.0 | 4589296.0 | 2293.0 | 1,501,427.554 | 11.68 |
7 | 41121D8224.laz | 14,422,108 | 591881.0 | 4587908.0 | 1471.0 | 592943.0 | 4589309.0 | 2176.0 | 1,495,831.134 | 9.64 |
8 | 41121D8225.laz | 10,819,009 | 592925.0 | 4587922.0 | 1481.0 | 593703.0 | 4589319.0 | 2173.0 | 1,108,013.881 | 9.76 |
9 | 41121D8402.laz | 5,919,404 | 590354.0 | 4586501.0 | 1435.0 | 590872.0 | 4587895.0 | 2190.0 | 734,150.466 | 8.06 |
10 | 41121D8403.laz | 15,221,500 | 590854.0 | 4586507.0 | 1441.0 | 591916.0 | 4587908.0 | 2172.0 | 1,482,403.602 | 10.27 |
11 | 41121D8404.laz | 13,936,765 | 591899.0 | 4586521.0 | 1466.0 | 592961.0 | 4587922.0 | 2165.0 | 1,493,926.883 | 9.33 |
12 | 41121D8405.laz | 10,301,030 | 592943.0 | 4586534.0 | 1478.0 | 593703.0 | 4587931.0 | 2187.0 | 1,071,711.937 | 9.61 |
13 | 41121D8407.laz | 7,295,503 | 590354.0 | 4585113.0 | 1423.0 | 590889.0 | 4586507.0 | 2184.0 | 732,326.825 | 9.96 |
14 | 41121D8408.laz | 16,525,535 | 590872.0 | 4585120.0 | 1419.0 | 591934.0 | 4586521.0 | 2190.0 | 1,478,804.14 | 11.17 |
15 | 41121D8409.laz | 15,117,301 | 591916.0 | 4585133.0 | 1429.0 | 592979.0 | 4586534.0 | 2139.0 | 1,474,271.191 | 10.25 |
16 | 41121D8410.laz | 10,116,446 | 592961.0 | 4585146.0 | 1443.0 | 593703.0 | 4586543.0 | 2146.0 | 1,049,500.897 | 9.64 |
17 | 41121D8412.laz | 953,481 | 590354.0 | 4584924.0 | 1416.0 | 590892.0 | 4585120.0 | 1464.0 | 106,981.138 | 8.91 |
18 | 41121D8413.laz | 2,155,039 | 590889.0 | 4584924.0 | 1415.0 | 591936.0 | 4585133.0 | 2168.0 | 236,293.488 | 9.12 |
19 | 41121D8414.laz | 2,474,305 | 591934.0 | 4584924.0 | 1428.0 | 592981.0 | 4585146.0 | 2141.0 | 242,497.226 | 10.20 |
20 | 41121D8415.laz | 1,547,589 | 592979.0 | 4584924.0 | 1439.0 | 593703.0 | 4585155.0 | 1498.0 | 179,493.708 | 8.62 |
# | File Name | Point Count | minX | minY | minZ | maxX | maxY | maxZ | Area | Density |
1 | 41121D8217.laz | 2,906,713 | 590354.0 | 4589277.0 | 1657.0 | 590837.0 | 4589887.0 | 1851.0 | 314,226.435 | 9.25 |
2 | 41121D8218.laz | 10,156,148 | 590829.0 | 4589283.0 | 1543.0 | 591881.0 | 4589887.0 | 2314.0 | 655,325.892 | 15.50 |
3 | 41121D8219.laz | 6,700,087 | 591873.0 | 4589296.0 | 1501.0 | 592925.0 | 4589887.0 | 2211.0 | 625,151.971 | 10.72 |
4 | 41121D8220.laz | 4,545,981 | 592918.0 | 4589310.0 | 1495.0 | 593703.0 | 4589887.0 | 2181.0 | 461,586.826 | 9.85 |
5 | 41121D8222.laz | 7,957,548 | 590354.0 | 4587889.0 | 1548.0 | 590854.0 | 4589283.0 | 1852.0 | 712,012.48 | 11.18 |
6 | 41121D8223.laz | 17,543,719 | 590837.0 | 4587895.0 | 1468.0 | 591899.0 | 4589296.0 | 2293.0 | 1,501,427.554 | 11.68 |
7 | 41121D8224.laz | 14,422,108 | 591881.0 | 4587908.0 | 1471.0 | 592943.0 | 4589309.0 | 2176.0 | 1,495,831.134 | 9.64 |
8 | 41121D8225.laz | 10,819,009 | 592925.0 | 4587922.0 | 1481.0 | 593703.0 | 4589319.0 | 2173.0 | 1,108,013.881 | 9.76 |
9 | 41121D8402.laz | 5,919,404 | 590354.0 | 4586501.0 | 1435.0 | 590872.0 | 4587895.0 | 2190.0 | 734,150.466 | 8.06 |
10 | 41121D8403.laz | 15,221,500 | 590854.0 | 4586507.0 | 1441.0 | 591916.0 | 4587908.0 | 2172.0 | 1,482,403.602 | 10.27 |
11 | 41121D8404.laz | 13,936,765 | 591899.0 | 4586521.0 | 1466.0 | 592961.0 | 4587922.0 | 2165.0 | 1,493,926.883 | 9.33 |
12 | 41121D8405.laz | 10,301,030 | 592943.0 | 4586534.0 | 1478.0 | 593703.0 | 4587931.0 | 2187.0 | 1,071,711.937 | 9.61 |
13 | 41121D8407.laz | 7,295,503 | 590354.0 | 4585113.0 | 1423.0 | 590889.0 | 4586507.0 | 2184.0 | 732,326.825 | 9.96 |
14 | 41121D8408.laz | 16,525,535 | 590872.0 | 4585120.0 | 1419.0 | 591934.0 | 4586521.0 | 2190.0 | 1,478,804.14 | 11.17 |
15 | 41121D8409.laz | 15,117,301 | 591916.0 | 4585133.0 | 1429.0 | 592979.0 | 4586534.0 | 2139.0 | 1,474,271.191 | 10.25 |
16 | 41121D8410.laz | 10,116,446 | 592961.0 | 4585146.0 | 1443.0 | 593703.0 | 4586543.0 | 2146.0 | 1,049,500.897 | 9.64 |
17 | 41121D8412.laz | 953,481 | 590354.0 | 4584924.0 | 1416.0 | 590892.0 | 4585120.0 | 1464.0 | 106,981.138 | 8.91 |
18 | 41121D8413.laz | 2,155,039 | 590889.0 | 4584924.0 | 1415.0 | 591936.0 | 4585133.0 | 2168.0 | 236,293.488 | 9.12 |
19 | 41121D8414.laz | 2,474,305 | 591934.0 | 4584924.0 | 1428.0 | 592981.0 | 4585146.0 | 2141.0 | 242,497.226 | 10.20 |
20 | 41121D8415.laz | 1,547,589 | 592979.0 | 4584924.0 | 1439.0 | 593703.0 | 4585155.0 | 1498.0 | 179,493.708 | 8.62 |
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