Total Area of Tiles (m2) | 47,566,054 |
Sum of Area of Convex Hulls as Determined by Scan (m2) | 48,803,785.278 |
Total Number of Bytes on Disk | 4,561,414,707 |
Total Number of Points as Reported in Headers | 961,440,008 |
Total Number of Points as Determined by Scan | 961,440,008 |
Mean Point Density as Reported in Headers (points/m2) | 20.21 |
Mean Point Density as Determined by Scan (points/m2) | 19.70 |
File Breakdown by LAS versions | 1.2 (40 files) |
File Breakdown by LAS file types | LAZ (40 files) |
File Breakdown by Source IDs | 0 (40 files) |
File Breakdown by System IDs | WSI (40 files) |
File Breakdown by Generating Software IDs | Las Monkey 1.4.5 (40 files) |
File Breakdown by Point Data Record formats (Data Format ID) | 1 (40 files) |
File Breakdown by Global Encodings | [NULL] (40 files) |
Point Breakdown by Returns (return: count) | 1: 712,275,828 2: 213,095,663 3: 33,764,758 4: 2,303,759 5: 0 |
Point Breakdown by Classifications (class: name: points) | Class 1 - Unclassified: 808,867,624 Class 2 - Ground: 83,388,132 Class 7 - Low Point (low noise): 5,789 Class 11 - Road Surface: 69,178,463 |
File Breakdown by Coordinate Reference Systems | 40 files have Horizontal Coordinate System PROJCS["NAD83 / UTM zone 10N",GEOGCS["NAD83",DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983",SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6269"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4269"]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0],PARAMETER["central_meridian",-123],PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["false_easting",500000],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Easting",EAST],AXIS["Northing",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","26910"]] 40 files have Vertical Coordinate System VERT_CS["NAVD88 height",VERT_DATUM["North American Vertical Datum 1988",2005,AUTHORITY["EPSG","5103"]],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Gravity-related height",UP],AUTHORITY["EPSG","5703"]] |
X positions | yes |
Y positions | yes |
Z positions | yes |
Intensity | yes |
Return Number | yes |
Number of Returns | yes |
Scan Direction Flag | yes |
Edge of Flight Line | yes |
Classification | yes |
Scan Angle Rank | yes |
User Data | yes |
Point Source ID | yes |
GPS Time | yes |
RGB | no |
XYZ Positions | [512805.12, 4407175.64, 516.72], [522639.92, 4413760.72, 2420.75] |
Intensity | 0, 255 |
Return Number | 1, 4 |
Number of Returns | 1, 4 |
Scan Direction Flag | 0, 1 |
Edge of Flight Line | 0, 1 |
Classification | 1, 11 |
Scan Angle Rank | -32.0, 32.0 |
User Data | 114, 246 |
Point Source ID | 1100, 1164 |
GPS Time | 152886.2257, 169919.3554 |
RGB Colors | N/A |
File Creation Day | 356, 356 |
File Creation Year | 2012, 2012 |
# | File Name | Creation Year | Creation DoY | Is Compressed | Bytes | Software ID |
1 | 39122G6101.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 140,315,210 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
2 | 39122G6102.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 19,655,238 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
3 | 39122G6106.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 77,923,803 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
4 | 39122G6107.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 12,987,437 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
5 | 39122G7102.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 794,387 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
6 | 39122G7103.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 134,694,642 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
7 | 39122G7104.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 147,347,129 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
8 | 39122G7105.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 157,883,587 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
9 | 39122G7108.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 142,551,543 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
10 | 39122G7109.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 154,174,927 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
11 | 39122G7110.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 171,113,250 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
12 | 39122G7113.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 69,224,350 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
13 | 39122G7114.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 84,246,226 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
14 | 39122G7115.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 126,397,607 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
15 | 39122G7119.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 52,126,770 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
16 | 39122G7120.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 128,163,235 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
17 | 39122G7201.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 146,996,556 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
18 | 39122G7202.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 119,894,215 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
19 | 39122G7203.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 128,293,209 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
20 | 39122G7204.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 126,768,847 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
21 | 39122G7205.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 137,738,689 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
22 | 39122G7206.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 155,973,674 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
23 | 39122G7207.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 150,614,810 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
24 | 39122G7208.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 152,066,497 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
25 | 39122G7209.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 179,545,362 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
26 | 39122G7210.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 154,377,142 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
27 | 39122G7211.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 116,720,961 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
28 | 39122G7212.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 104,043,498 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
29 | 39122G7213.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 107,941,998 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
30 | 39122G7214.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 132,495,701 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
31 | 39122G7215.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 96,436,080 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
32 | 39122G7216.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 104,662,438 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
33 | 39122G7217.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 125,812,933 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
34 | 39122G7218.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 127,316,372 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
35 | 39122G7219.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 172,290,007 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
36 | 39122G7220.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 105,704,231 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
37 | 39122G7222.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 54,646,452 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
38 | 39122G7223.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 85,390,352 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
39 | 39122G7224.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 99,803,444 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
40 | 39122G7225.laz | 2012 | 356 | true | 56,281,898 | Las Monkey 1.4.5 |
# | File Name | Point Count | minX | minY | minZ | maxX | maxY | maxZ | Area | Density |
1 | 39122G6101.laz | 30,120,366 | 521380.0 | 4412525.0 | 522.0 | 522452.0 | 4413759.0 | 1611.0 | 1,364,230.983 | 22.08 |
2 | 39122G6102.laz | 4,292,795 | 522449.0 | 4412528.0 | 516.0 | 522639.0 | 4413760.0 | 1582.0 | 292,302.654 | 14.69 |
3 | 39122G6106.laz | 15,919,220 | 521383.0 | 4411945.0 | 833.0 | 522454.0 | 4412528.0 | 1718.0 | 627,308.794 | 25.38 |
4 | 39122G6107.laz | 2,665,481 | 522452.0 | 4411940.0 | 767.0 | 522639.0 | 4412529.0 | 1619.0 | 135,080.037 | 19.73 |
5 | 39122G7102.laz | 163,064 | 512805.0 | 4412770.0 | 829.0 | 512830.0 | 4413629.0 | 1134.0 | 22,725.835 | 7.18 |
6 | 39122G7103.laz | 27,991,615 | 512828.0 | 4412506.0 | 771.0 | 513899.0 | 4413664.0 | 1627.0 | 1,297,304.081 | 21.58 |
7 | 39122G7104.laz | 29,964,978 | 513897.0 | 4412508.0 | 761.0 | 514969.0 | 4413656.0 | 1631.0 | 1,283,573.945 | 23.34 |
8 | 39122G7105.laz | 31,991,439 | 514966.0 | 4412510.0 | 717.0 | 516038.0 | 4413647.0 | 1559.0 | 1,260,583.928 | 25.38 |
9 | 39122G7108.laz | 29,339,419 | 512838.0 | 4411119.0 | 890.0 | 513902.0 | 4412508.0 | 1932.0 | 1,496,596.543 | 19.60 |
10 | 39122G7109.laz | 32,123,451 | 513899.0 | 4411120.0 | 1075.0 | 514971.0 | 4412510.0 | 1926.0 | 1,662,262.576 | 19.33 |
11 | 39122G7110.laz | 35,010,217 | 514969.0 | 4411123.0 | 1067.0 | 516041.0 | 4412512.0 | 1973.0 | 1,556,413.317 | 22.49 |
12 | 39122G7113.laz | 14,555,570 | 512882.0 | 4410275.0 | 1129.0 | 513903.0 | 4411120.0 | 2186.0 | 901,187.759 | 16.15 |
13 | 39122G7114.laz | 18,941,680 | 513902.0 | 4409734.0 | 1356.0 | 514974.0 | 4411122.0 | 2171.0 | 1,173,482.555 | 16.14 |
14 | 39122G7115.laz | 26,357,266 | 514971.0 | 4409735.0 | 1264.0 | 516043.0 | 4411125.0 | 2201.0 | 1,512,694.398 | 17.42 |
15 | 39122G7119.laz | 11,257,547 | 514527.0 | 4408695.0 | 1399.0 | 514976.0 | 4409735.0 | 2186.0 | 492,940.742 | 22.84 |
16 | 39122G7120.laz | 28,094,945 | 514974.0 | 4408702.0 | 1459.0 | 516046.0 | 4409737.0 | 2253.0 | 1,142,123.524 | 24.60 |
17 | 39122G7201.laz | 29,908,389 | 516035.0 | 4412512.0 | 680.0 | 517107.0 | 4413654.0 | 1576.0 | 1,324,784.435 | 22.58 |
18 | 39122G7202.laz | 26,034,507 | 517104.0 | 4412514.0 | 655.0 | 518176.0 | 4413675.0 | 1552.0 | 1,295,300.139 | 20.10 |
19 | 39122G7203.laz | 28,180,062 | 518173.0 | 4412517.0 | 632.0 | 519245.0 | 4413696.0 | 1551.0 | 1,293,327.597 | 21.79 |
20 | 39122G7204.laz | 28,555,578 | 519242.0 | 4412519.0 | 609.0 | 520314.0 | 4413717.0 | 1686.0 | 1,349,317.482 | 21.16 |
21 | 39122G7205.laz | 29,266,345 | 520311.0 | 4412522.0 | 545.0 | 521383.0 | 4413738.0 | 1552.0 | 1,454,057.466 | 20.13 |
22 | 39122G7206.laz | 31,961,931 | 516038.0 | 4411125.0 | 1007.0 | 517110.0 | 4412514.0 | 1954.0 | 1,590,455.881 | 20.10 |
23 | 39122G7207.laz | 30,778,505 | 517107.0 | 4411127.0 | 825.0 | 518179.0 | 4412517.0 | 1847.0 | 1,533,059.817 | 20.08 |
24 | 39122G7208.laz | 30,938,398 | 518176.0 | 4411129.0 | 812.0 | 519249.0 | 4412519.0 | 1913.0 | 1,543,958.007 | 20.04 |
25 | 39122G7209.laz | 36,052,281 | 519245.0 | 4411132.0 | 842.0 | 520318.0 | 4412522.0 | 1983.0 | 1,548,424.249 | 23.28 |
26 | 39122G7210.laz | 30,691,624 | 520314.0 | 4411135.0 | 880.0 | 521385.0 | 4412525.0 | 1962.0 | 1,321,331.843 | 23.23 |
27 | 39122G7211.laz | 24,609,569 | 516041.0 | 4409737.0 | 1202.0 | 517113.0 | 4411127.0 | 2094.0 | 1,519,707.043 | 16.19 |
28 | 39122G7212.laz | 21,613,193 | 517110.0 | 4409740.0 | 1118.0 | 518182.0 | 4411129.0 | 2047.0 | 1,557,149.772 | 13.88 |
29 | 39122G7213.laz | 22,614,424 | 518179.0 | 4409742.0 | 1127.0 | 519252.0 | 4411132.0 | 2024.0 | 1,571,998.002 | 14.39 |
30 | 39122G7214.laz | 27,366,282 | 519249.0 | 4409745.0 | 1284.0 | 520322.0 | 4411135.0 | 2152.0 | 1,537,582.149 | 17.80 |
31 | 39122G7215.laz | 19,788,255 | 520318.0 | 4409748.0 | 1308.0 | 521125.0 | 4411137.0 | 2215.0 | 1,191,434.753 | 16.61 |
32 | 39122G7216.laz | 24,198,113 | 516043.0 | 4408723.0 | 1477.0 | 517115.0 | 4409740.0 | 2304.0 | 1,116,073.869 | 21.68 |
33 | 39122G7217.laz | 27,349,563 | 517113.0 | 4408353.0 | 1264.0 | 518186.0 | 4409742.0 | 2188.0 | 1,355,419.639 | 20.18 |
34 | 39122G7218.laz | 26,512,986 | 518183.0 | 4408355.0 | 1227.0 | 519256.0 | 4409745.0 | 2339.0 | 1,562,043.836 | 16.97 |
35 | 39122G7219.laz | 37,307,524 | 519252.0 | 4408357.0 | 1386.0 | 520325.0 | 4409747.0 | 2420.0 | 1,525,391.786 | 24.46 |
36 | 39122G7220.laz | 23,694,255 | 520322.0 | 4408360.0 | 1524.0 | 521125.0 | 4409750.0 | 2367.0 | 1,141,468.528 | 20.76 |
37 | 39122G7222.laz | 11,611,780 | 517551.0 | 4407175.0 | 1316.0 | 518189.0 | 4408355.0 | 2167.0 | 758,556.396 | 15.31 |
38 | 39122G7223.laz | 18,810,020 | 518186.0 | 4407181.0 | 1521.0 | 519258.0 | 4408357.0 | 2292.0 | 1,320,081.12 | 14.25 |
39 | 39122G7224.laz | 22,702,923 | 519256.0 | 4407191.0 | 1506.0 | 520328.0 | 4408360.0 | 2298.0 | 1,306,565.191 | 17.38 |
40 | 39122G7225.laz | 12,104,448 | 520325.0 | 4407202.0 | 1452.0 | 521091.0 | 4408362.0 | 2318.0 | 865,484.608 | 13.99 |
# | File Name | Point Count | minX | minY | minZ | maxX | maxY | maxZ | Area | Density |
1 | 39122G6101.laz | 30,120,366 | 521380.0 | 4412525.0 | 522.0 | 522452.0 | 4413759.0 | 1611.0 | 1,364,230.983 | 22.08 |
2 | 39122G6102.laz | 4,292,795 | 522449.0 | 4412528.0 | 516.0 | 522639.0 | 4413760.0 | 1582.0 | 292,302.654 | 14.69 |
3 | 39122G6106.laz | 15,919,220 | 521383.0 | 4411945.0 | 833.0 | 522454.0 | 4412528.0 | 1718.0 | 627,308.794 | 25.38 |
4 | 39122G6107.laz | 2,665,481 | 522452.0 | 4411940.0 | 767.0 | 522639.0 | 4412529.0 | 1619.0 | 135,080.037 | 19.73 |
5 | 39122G7102.laz | 163,064 | 512805.0 | 4412770.0 | 829.0 | 512830.0 | 4413629.0 | 1134.0 | 22,725.835 | 7.18 |
6 | 39122G7103.laz | 27,991,615 | 512828.0 | 4412506.0 | 771.0 | 513899.0 | 4413664.0 | 1627.0 | 1,297,304.081 | 21.58 |
7 | 39122G7104.laz | 29,964,978 | 513897.0 | 4412508.0 | 761.0 | 514969.0 | 4413656.0 | 1631.0 | 1,283,573.945 | 23.34 |
8 | 39122G7105.laz | 31,991,439 | 514966.0 | 4412510.0 | 717.0 | 516038.0 | 4413647.0 | 1559.0 | 1,260,583.928 | 25.38 |
9 | 39122G7108.laz | 29,339,419 | 512838.0 | 4411119.0 | 890.0 | 513902.0 | 4412508.0 | 1932.0 | 1,496,596.543 | 19.60 |
10 | 39122G7109.laz | 32,123,451 | 513899.0 | 4411120.0 | 1075.0 | 514971.0 | 4412510.0 | 1926.0 | 1,662,262.576 | 19.33 |
11 | 39122G7110.laz | 35,010,217 | 514969.0 | 4411123.0 | 1067.0 | 516041.0 | 4412512.0 | 1973.0 | 1,556,413.317 | 22.49 |
12 | 39122G7113.laz | 14,555,570 | 512882.0 | 4410275.0 | 1129.0 | 513903.0 | 4411120.0 | 2186.0 | 901,187.759 | 16.15 |
13 | 39122G7114.laz | 18,941,680 | 513902.0 | 4409734.0 | 1356.0 | 514974.0 | 4411122.0 | 2171.0 | 1,173,482.555 | 16.14 |
14 | 39122G7115.laz | 26,357,266 | 514971.0 | 4409735.0 | 1264.0 | 516043.0 | 4411125.0 | 2201.0 | 1,512,694.398 | 17.42 |
15 | 39122G7119.laz | 11,257,547 | 514527.0 | 4408695.0 | 1399.0 | 514976.0 | 4409735.0 | 2186.0 | 492,940.742 | 22.84 |
16 | 39122G7120.laz | 28,094,945 | 514974.0 | 4408702.0 | 1459.0 | 516046.0 | 4409737.0 | 2253.0 | 1,142,123.524 | 24.60 |
17 | 39122G7201.laz | 29,908,389 | 516035.0 | 4412512.0 | 680.0 | 517107.0 | 4413654.0 | 1576.0 | 1,324,784.435 | 22.58 |
18 | 39122G7202.laz | 26,034,507 | 517104.0 | 4412514.0 | 655.0 | 518176.0 | 4413675.0 | 1552.0 | 1,295,300.139 | 20.10 |
19 | 39122G7203.laz | 28,180,062 | 518173.0 | 4412517.0 | 632.0 | 519245.0 | 4413696.0 | 1551.0 | 1,293,327.597 | 21.79 |
20 | 39122G7204.laz | 28,555,578 | 519242.0 | 4412519.0 | 609.0 | 520314.0 | 4413717.0 | 1686.0 | 1,349,317.482 | 21.16 |
21 | 39122G7205.laz | 29,266,345 | 520311.0 | 4412522.0 | 545.0 | 521383.0 | 4413738.0 | 1552.0 | 1,454,057.466 | 20.13 |
22 | 39122G7206.laz | 31,961,931 | 516038.0 | 4411125.0 | 1007.0 | 517110.0 | 4412514.0 | 1954.0 | 1,590,455.881 | 20.10 |
23 | 39122G7207.laz | 30,778,505 | 517107.0 | 4411127.0 | 825.0 | 518179.0 | 4412517.0 | 1847.0 | 1,533,059.817 | 20.08 |
24 | 39122G7208.laz | 30,938,398 | 518176.0 | 4411129.0 | 812.0 | 519249.0 | 4412519.0 | 1913.0 | 1,543,958.007 | 20.04 |
25 | 39122G7209.laz | 36,052,281 | 519245.0 | 4411132.0 | 842.0 | 520318.0 | 4412522.0 | 1983.0 | 1,548,424.249 | 23.28 |
26 | 39122G7210.laz | 30,691,624 | 520314.0 | 4411135.0 | 880.0 | 521385.0 | 4412525.0 | 1962.0 | 1,321,331.843 | 23.23 |
27 | 39122G7211.laz | 24,609,569 | 516041.0 | 4409737.0 | 1202.0 | 517113.0 | 4411127.0 | 2094.0 | 1,519,707.043 | 16.19 |
28 | 39122G7212.laz | 21,613,193 | 517110.0 | 4409740.0 | 1118.0 | 518182.0 | 4411129.0 | 2047.0 | 1,557,149.772 | 13.88 |
29 | 39122G7213.laz | 22,614,424 | 518179.0 | 4409742.0 | 1127.0 | 519252.0 | 4411132.0 | 2024.0 | 1,571,998.002 | 14.39 |
30 | 39122G7214.laz | 27,366,282 | 519249.0 | 4409745.0 | 1284.0 | 520322.0 | 4411135.0 | 2152.0 | 1,537,582.149 | 17.80 |
31 | 39122G7215.laz | 19,788,255 | 520318.0 | 4409748.0 | 1308.0 | 521125.0 | 4411137.0 | 2215.0 | 1,191,434.753 | 16.61 |
32 | 39122G7216.laz | 24,198,113 | 516043.0 | 4408723.0 | 1477.0 | 517115.0 | 4409740.0 | 2304.0 | 1,116,073.869 | 21.68 |
33 | 39122G7217.laz | 27,349,563 | 517113.0 | 4408353.0 | 1264.0 | 518186.0 | 4409742.0 | 2188.0 | 1,355,419.639 | 20.18 |
34 | 39122G7218.laz | 26,512,986 | 518183.0 | 4408355.0 | 1227.0 | 519256.0 | 4409745.0 | 2339.0 | 1,562,043.836 | 16.97 |
35 | 39122G7219.laz | 37,307,524 | 519252.0 | 4408357.0 | 1386.0 | 520325.0 | 4409747.0 | 2420.0 | 1,525,391.786 | 24.46 |
36 | 39122G7220.laz | 23,694,255 | 520322.0 | 4408360.0 | 1524.0 | 521125.0 | 4409750.0 | 2367.0 | 1,141,468.528 | 20.76 |
37 | 39122G7222.laz | 11,611,780 | 517551.0 | 4407175.0 | 1316.0 | 518189.0 | 4408355.0 | 2167.0 | 758,556.396 | 15.31 |
38 | 39122G7223.laz | 18,810,020 | 518186.0 | 4407181.0 | 1521.0 | 519258.0 | 4408357.0 | 2292.0 | 1,320,081.12 | 14.25 |
39 | 39122G7224.laz | 22,702,923 | 519256.0 | 4407191.0 | 1506.0 | 520328.0 | 4408360.0 | 2298.0 | 1,306,565.191 | 17.38 |
40 | 39122G7225.laz | 12,104,448 | 520325.0 | 4407202.0 | 1452.0 | 521091.0 | 4408362.0 | 2318.0 | 865,484.608 | 13.99 |
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