Suusamyr Basin, Dzhalpaksu River (east), Kyrgyzstan

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Target: Fault scarp of a E-W striking, S-dipping reverse fault in the Suusamyr Basin in Kyrgyzstan Purpose: Measuring the offset from the 1992 M7.3 Suusamyr Earthquake

opentopoID: OTDS.122019.32643.2
Platform: Structure from Motion / Photogrammetry
Data Format: Raster
Dataset Acknowledgement: Funding: This research was run under the Earthquakes without Frontiers project, funded by NERC and ESRC (grant code: EwF_NE/J02001X/1_1), and within the Centre for Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes and Tectonics (COMET).

Reference: Ainscoe, E. A., Abdrakhmatov, K. E., Baikulov, S., Carr, A. S., Elliott, A. J., Grützner, C., Walker, R. T. (2019). Variability in surface rupture between successive earthquakes on the Suusamyr Fault, Kyrgyz Tien Shan: implications for palaeoseismology. Geophysical Journal International 216(1), 703-725.
Dataset Citation: Gruetzner, C. (2019). Suusamyr Basin, Dzhalpaksu River (east), Kyrgyzstan. Distributed by OpenTopography. Accessed: 2024-07-27
Survey Date: 06/08/2016
Survey Area: 0.11 km2
Publication Date: 12/20/2019
Coordinates System:
Horizontal: [EPSG: 32643]

Spatial Extent
    Raster Data
  File Name Size Resolution Dimensions Layer Type  
1     Dzhalpaksu east_DEM.tif     29.61 MB     N/A     3748 x 2070                 View Detail    
  SpatialReference: Not available.
Lat/Lon Boundary:
North-East (lat,lon) [42.16363228390672, 73.36415184213642]
South-West (lat,lon) [42.159775441816, 73.35517763843764]
Coordinates Boundary:
North-East (X,Y) [364868.737, 4669239.459]
South-West (X,Y) [364119.137, 4668825.459]
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