Sinabung Volcano Model 1: Indonesia, September 2014

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SfM photogrammetry survey from September 2014. Model 1 from Carr et al., 2018a (see below). Dataset contains ground-based photos from an iPhone5 taken on Sept 17 & 18 and the resulting SfM point cloud and DEM. Data was used in two publications. For additional details, see: Carr et al., 2018a: ("The emplacement of the active lava flow at Sinabung Volcano, Sumatra Indonesia, documented by structure-from-motion photogrammetry") Carr et al., 2018b: ("Mechanisms of lava flow emplacement during an effusive eruption of Sinabung Volcano (Sumatra, Indonesia)")

opentopoID: OTDS.042019.32647.1
Platform: Structure from Motion / Photogrammetry
Data Format: Point Cloud, Raster, Images
Dataset Acknowledgement: Please acknowledge Carr et al., 2018a: and the doi for this dataset (if new analysis is conducted with this data) in any presentations or publications
Dataset Citation: Carr, B. (2019). Sinabung Volcano Model 1: Indonesia, September 2014. Distributed by OpenTopography. Accessed: 2024-10-22
Survey Date: 09/17/2014 - 09/18/2014
Survey Area: 6.34 km2
Publication Date: 04/16/2019
Number of lidar returns: 133,865 pts
Point Density: 0.02 pts/m2
Coordinates System:
Horizontal: WGS_1984_UTM_zone_47N [EPSG: 32647]

3D Point Cloud Viewer

Spatial Extent
Point Cloud Extent Raster Extent
    Point Cloud
  File Name Size Points Area (m2) Density  
1     Sinabung_model_1.las     4.34 MB     133,865     6,335,358     0.02         File Metadata    
SpatialReference: Not available.

CompSpatialReference: Not available.

Lat/Lon/Elevation Boundary:
North-East (lat,lon,elev): [3.1744394666652904, 98.41578530349419, 2331.756348]
South-West (lat,lon,elev): [3.1490070549261016, 98.39029464209429, 1196.430542]

Coordinates Boundary:
North-East (X,Y): 435089.4907, 350892.8696]
South-West (X,Y): 432255.5377, 348083.213]

Class 0 (Created, never classified)133,865
    Raster Data
  File Name Size Resolution Dimensions Layer Type  
1     Sinabung_DEM_model_1.img     1.27 MB     N/A     568 x 563                 File Metadata    
PROJCS["WGS_1984_UTM_zone_47N",     GEOGCS["WGS 84",         DATUM["WGS_1984",             SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,                 AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],             TOWGS84[0,0,0,-0,-0,-0,0],             AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],         PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,             AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],         UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,             AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],         AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]],     PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],     PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0],     PARAMETER["central_meridian",99],     PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996],     PARAMETER["false_easting",500000],     PARAMETER["false_northing",0],     UNIT["Meter",1],     AUTHORITY["EPSG","32647"]]

Lat/Lon Boundary:
North-East (lat,lon) [3.1744652077788067, 98.4158172147269]
South-West (lat,lon) [3.1489844253967036, 98.39027215861319]

Coordinates Boundary:
North-East (X,Y) [435093.038, 350895.713]
South-West (X,Y) [432253.038, 348080.713]
    Images Files
  File Name Size Dimensions  
1     IMG_1361.JPG     2.19 MB     3264 x 2448        
2     IMG_1363.JPG     2.25 MB     3264 x 2448        
3     IMG_1364.JPG     1.98 MB     3264 x 2448        
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5     IMG_1370.JPG     1.74 MB     3264 x 2448        
6     IMG_1371.JPG     2.11 MB     3264 x 2448        
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11     IMG_1379.jpg     2.11 MB     3264 x 2448        
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24     IMG_1402.jpg     2.26 MB     2448 x 3264        
25     IMG_1404.JPG     2.16 MB     3264 x 2448        
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46     IMG_1440.JPG     1.90 MB     3264 x 2448        
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49     IMG_1443.JPG     2.19 MB     3264 x 2448        
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53     IMG_1450.JPG     1.95 MB     3264 x 2448        
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55     IMG_1456.JPG     1.87 MB     3264 x 2448        
56     IMG_1457.JPG     2.21 MB     3264 x 2448        
57     IMG_1459.JPG     1.49 MB     3264 x 2448        
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59     IMG_1461.JPG     1.71 MB     3264 x 2448        
60     IMG_1477.JPG     2.03 MB     3264 x 2448        
61     IMG_1478.JPG     1.95 MB     3264 x 2448        
62     IMG_1479.JPG     1.66 MB     3264 x 2448        
63     IMG_1480.JPG     1.76 MB     3264 x 2448        
64     IMG_1481.JPG     1.91 MB     3264 x 2448        
65     IMG_1482.JPG     1.71 MB     3264 x 2448        
66     IMG_1483.JPG     1.68 MB     3264 x 2448        
67     IMG_1484.JPG     1.91 MB     3264 x 2448        
68     IMG_1485.JPG     2.03 MB     3264 x 2448        
69     IMG_1486.JPG     1.73 MB     3264 x 2448        
  Summary 137.69 MB        
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