Nelson, New Zealand 2021

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OT Collection ID: OT.122021.2193.1
OT Collection Name: Nelson, New Zealand 2021
Short Name: NZ21_Nelson
Collection Platform: Airborne Lidar
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Collection Overview: Nelson City Council Logo Land Information New Zealand Logo

Lidar was captured for Nelson City Council by Aerial Surveys in 2021. The dataset was generated by Aerial Surveys and their subcontractors. The survey area includes Nelson City, Hira, Cable Bay, Whangamoa and surrounding area. Data management and distribution is by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand.

Prepared DEM and DSM files are available through the LINZ Data Service:

Dataset Acknowledgement: Released under Creative Commons CC By 4.0 ( Attribution Required for Copies: "Copyright in this work is owned by Nelson City Council". Attribution Required for Derivative works: "Copyright in the underlying dataset from which this work has been derived is owned by Nelson City Council".

Dataset Citation: Nelson City Council, Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) (2021). Nelson, New Zealand 2021. Collected by Aerial Surveys, distributed by OpenTopography and LINZ. Accessed: 2024-07-27       Copied to Clipboard

Use License: CC BY 4.0

Dataset Keywords: Nelson, South Island, New Zealand, LINZ, Aerial Surveys

Survey Date: 01/10/2021 - 06/24/2021

Publication Date: 12/14/2021
Total number of points: 17,924,772,321 pts

Area: 475.82 km2

Point Density: 37.67 pts/m2

Class 1 - Unclassified10,506,270,622
Class 2 - Ground1,277,020,169
Class 3 - Low Vegetation428,000,240
Class 4 - Medium Vegetation385,920,521
Class 5 - High Vegetation5,114,952,451
Class 6 - Building61,063,279
Class 7 - Low Point (low noise)5,220,490
Class 9 - Water127,505,483
Class 18 - High Noise18,819,066

Coordinate System:
Horizontal: NZTM2000 NZGD2000 Meters [EPSG: 2193]
Vertical: NZVD2016 [EPSG: 7839]

Units: meter

Survey Report: Reports

LAS Validation Data Report: Reports
Tile index in shapefile format: Download

Dataset Extent in GeoJSON format:   NZ21_Nelson.geojson

Dataset Spatial Bounds: North: -41.0492054447948°     South: -41.3954144542356°     East: 173.600836639483°     West: 173.174396235173°